You hear it EVERY day and know the value of building a community behind your brand.
Having a community behind your brand is more powerful than word of mouth! Yet, when you ask, not many people know how to get advocates without spending money.
I want to share my tips on building advocates for your business in 2022:
1️⃣ Find ways to celebrate your advocates! We all have followers that are constantly engaging on our stories and posts. SAY THANK YOU! Let them know you appreciate them.
2️⃣ Bring your followers "into" your business. This does not have to be complicated. Ensure you respond to EVERY comment and DM. Keep an ear on the ground to ensure you make service decisions based on our customers' wants. By treating your followers as a massive board of advisors, you may also start to feel confident trying half-baked ideas to see what kind of reaction you get.
3️⃣ Encourage your followers to make connections with fellow followers. This is where we focus on community over competition. Think of ways to bring your follower together and sit back and watch the magic happen.
4️⃣ Remember your why! Nothing you do will work if you do not have a strong why. It’s not just about stating your values—it’s about living them out in your branding, copy, and even business decisions. Advocates don’t rally behind a product or service —they rally behind values that matter to them or a lifestyle they identify with.
If you include these 4 steps in your 2022 to help you grow a SOLID business, you can only be successful.
Remember: There is more than enough for everyone, and we all have our YOU-niqueness!